Release Who You Are Destined to Be
Release Who You Are Destined to Be Inspired Information through Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As time unwinds itself like an eight-track tape, we find ourselves up the emotional creek without a paddle. We face our deepest fears, blocks, and so-called weaknesses at this time. Everything is asking us to show more light, show more love, and show more passion in our undertakings. We have become willy-nilly of purpose, floating like jellyfish filled with seaweed-entangled thoughts. We have always looked outside ourselves for answers, and now we must go down a few magical rabbit holes (white holes and deep, dark black holes) to secede from the union of who we once thought we were and who we are destined to be.
Our divine orders have molted as restructuring is assumed. All the cloaks of invisibility that we have worn through time now fall to our feet, spreading themselves across many a mud puddle. Now we renew our vows with the light, Earth, and fulfillment. We are asked to let go of the need to change the landscape of another’s learning sequence and to first sweep our own cosmic porch, which is littered with our emotional debris and what needs to be loved into a new form.
We jump on any excuse to avoid doing what is on our to-do lists. We scamper off at a moment’s notice. We are all running low on emotional energies; we get a little life juice and then feel drained again. There is a great resistance on the planet. Most just want to hide in the sand or their emotional caves. Like vapors from the temple of Delphi and the oracles of old, we cannot escape the next teachings, as they are absorbed into every cell of our beings, opening passages of old memories.