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Attune to the Ever-Expanding Crystalline Energies

The Crystalline Council
Jaap van Etten

People love rocks, stones, and crystals. It is an integrated part of your system. When you see a beautiful stone or rock, it is not easy to ignore it. Most people feel an urge to pick it up, and often you tend to take it home with you.

Awareness in Light Biogenesis

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Energy communication masters, energy potential magi, and love- and life-fulfillment masters, how will you live in full-spectrum light? How will you live in the light and its new biovessel?

ETs from UFO Casebook’s Best Pictures

Zoosh and ET
Robert Shapiro

Now and in the coming years, you will find that the biggest challenge you face daily is getting along with people, even people you know well and usually feel good about.

You Are Ready

Shockara Starbeings and Mother of Light and Mahatma Gandhi and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

Shockara Starbeings: Beloved Earth beings, the vast acceleration of the cosmos continues as you plan and activate the greatest healing transformation that can occur in the universe.

Sing Your Soul Song

Constellation Musica
Thelma Bodnar

Singing, dancing, and playing, these are all great activities we enjoy, but in reality, how often do we engage? Ah, “engage” — a great word to think on. We’ve all danced and sang and played even if it was long, long ago.

Two Attributes of Reincarnation

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Dear ones, one of the most profound processes or systems that Human Beings share all over the planet is something you call reincarnation. I am going to share with you two of the attributes of reincarnation.

The Search for Completion

Rae Chandran

In the beginning, there was wholeness and fullness. In the desire to know this fullness and wholeness, my knowingness took the plunge and separated from the wholeness.

Anointment: A Pathway to Ascension

Cathy Chapman

Peace be with you. Blessings, children of mine. I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. You rest within my womb, and I enfold you in the love of my womb. Abba enfolds you in the love of his heart.

Come Home in the Comedy

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved and holy and only child of our heavenly Father, child of the One Source, child of light, divine. I am the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph. “Jesus” you have called me, and always when you call me, I answer.

The Flower of Life and the Second Chakra

the Cosmic Council
Pat Crosby

Pat: This message comes from the input from Archangel Michael, Reshel (the Divine Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and the Elohim beings I call the angels of forgiveness, also known as the spirit guides of the portal of Lake Titicaca.


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