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Paschal: The Ancient Rite of Preparation for a Great Golden Age

The Goddess Astraea
Donna Ferri

Why did the church fathers choose to have Easter arrive after the Vernal equinox and on certain dates? Did they do this for astrological or superstitious reasons or both? Or was there another reason? Did these church fathers know of the astrological meaning of “judgment”?

Cherish the New Shift

The Collective Soul Consciousness
Carolyn Gervais

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. — Leonardo da Vinci

Cellular Recalculation

The Arcturians
Natalie Glasson

Greetings, we are the collective energy of the Arcturians. We come forth with information that we believe is essential for you to grasp and acknowledge within your being and reality. We wish to speak of cellular recalculation, which is something that is occurring within your being.

You Are in a Place of Profound Awakening

the Angels
Lindsay Godfree

Oh, beloved souls of Earth, you are in a place of profound awakening on this planet and in your consciousness, for what is within is without and what is above also manifests below. There is nothing that is apart and separate from the One Source, the All That Is.

The Newness of You

Adironnda and the Council of Light
Marilyn Harper

Marilyn: While sitting in meditation about April, which is the month of change and the beginning of a new season, I feel the significance that the fourth month carries this year. We are living in a year of magnificent transformational change.

We Can Decree from the Heart

Inspired Guidance
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we enter a new dimensional dialogue with self and soul, we find our awareness seeking new avenues of consideration that seem to ignite a long-lulled passion.

The Ascension Point Is Approaching

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. You are multidimensional beings, and part of the expansion of your consciousness involves the recognition of your multidimensional experiences and awareness.

The Awakened Galactic Human

The Oneness
Judith K. Moore

Each person has a unique propensity to connect and activate galactic codes that resonate with galactic source. Cosmic souls are beings who have experienced formlessness and form. Cosmic souls have awakened consciousness to the divinity of the harmony and rhythm with the galactic core.

Self-Love Will See You Through

Master Imhotep
Karinna Nielsen

Let us speak about the challenges you have been experiencing as you have moved into this new year — political polarization, a worldwide pandemic, global warming, and more. For some, this hasn’t been an easy time, but it is what you have come for.

Move Beyond the Constraints of Density

St. Germaine as the Energy of Quetzalcoatl
Kira Raa

Beloved beings of great light, peace, joy, and recognition, hello from the energies of the multitudes of worlds and beyond worlds as we joyfully share the recognition beyond the comprehension of “a world.” May you remember that to be within the view of a single world is to be within the energy, b


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