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Choose a Life of Gratitude and Joy

David Reid Lowell

We have spoken to you about faith and religion; both are sitting in the same pew.

Lightbody Consciousness and Changing Perceptual Realities

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

How does the lightbody manifest?

Uncover Methods to Cleanse Your Energy Fields

The Guardian Angels of the Rose Pink Ray
Abby Isadora Haydon

This is a new group that came to me on Christmas Day 2015. I have been devoted to Mother Mary since Christmas Eve 2011. I have kept my devotion to her private until now. After going to a full moon meditation at Meditation Mount in Ojai, CA, this communication came the following morning.

The Looks-Within Place: an Opportunity for Self-Discovery

Lady Portia & Count St. Germain
Star Hinman

Sometimes in your lives, the higher spiritual power — or fate, as you often term it — steps in to give a lesson. At these times, life’s circumstances may become unexpectedly difficult or painful.

Enjoy Your Imperfection

Lady Portia
Ingrid Auer

Perfection and striving for completeness are values that are very common among you people on Earth, and they are even more frequently found in the so-called industrial countries than anywhere else. At this juncture, many of you are aspiring to become “even better” and “more perfect.”

The Shape of Things to Come

Grace Elohim of Allied Command
Alison David Bird

You may be increasingly aware of the deconstruction of the third paradigm as it continues around you in a series of catastrophes ranging from genocide and escalating political scenarios to unexplained natural disasters. Even the media is noting the intensity.

The Process of the Invisible Becoming Visible through You

The Influence of Jehovah
Arthur Fanning

This is the process ones are in, accepting the fact and the condition of the invisible becoming visible through you, through each individual. The invisible purity of yourselves is coming up and through — or willing to.

Become the Cornerstone of Gaia

The Guardians of Light
Thelma Bodnar

Heavenly ethers attest to the magnificence of your being, attest to the pure magnitude of your presence now on the Earth plane.

Cosmic Wisdom Teachings for Self-Mastery

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, at the present time, you might wonder why we are not relaying much new information to you but are more or less repeating wisdom teachings of the past.

Going Back to Reach the Future!

Lee Carroll

5 September 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada


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