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A Walk with Quan Yin

Quan Yin
Therese Dorer

You are invited to walk down a pathway of white, smooth stones. With each step, you are encouraged to release your doubts, worries, sadness, and anxiety. The pathway brings you to a white trellis covered in roses, and standing under the trellis is Quan Yin, dressed in a pale pink kimono.

The Five Dimensional Kingdoms for this Round of Earthly Ascension

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, everything in the universe is endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception. Remember, all creation — the omniverse at all levels — is cosmic energy, which was sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator.

The Dysfunction of Darkness

Lee Carroll

This channeling was given the day after the terrorists attack in Paris.

Tune Your System to Love with the Help of Your Healing Team

Amma the Divine Mother
Cathy Chapman

Good morning, my dear ones. What a wonderful and gorgeous day it is. When you look out your windows, some of you see blue skies, some of you see cloudy skies, some of you see snow, some of you see green, and some of you see rain.

The Light of the New Paradigm

The Great Wisdom
Judith K. Moore

Pour forth the light upon the world, and it shall be received as never before in the eons of human experience. The world readies itself for this light to enter the loam of consciousness and illuminate the divine oneness within all of existence.

Prepare for Change in Your World

Magmar of Arcturus
Karinna Nielsen

I am pleased to introduce my guide Magmar, a fifth-dimensional guide of the Goddess light from the Arcturian star system. She is here in service to Creator, Mother Earth, and our great shift in consciousness.

Reside in Your Fulfillment

Miriandra Rota

Greetings! I am Teacher, and I am thrilled to have this opportunity to chat with you once again. Now, what would be our topic for this moment? It is this: How can you go forth in your daily life and continue to call for the fulfillment that is intrinsically yours?

The Day of the Conscious Creator

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home. We greet you with such joy! If you could see yourselves through our eyes for just a moment, you would understand the reverence and incredible love we have for each and every one of you.

The Finality of the Old Ways Is Here

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

We wish to talk to you about finality. It is not the end as you think of it. Rather, it is the ending of only a phase and not of everything as you know it. This finality, this ending, serves an important purpose, as it clears the way for the beginning of another phase.

Divine Intervention of Venus

Beings of Venus
Natalie Glasson

Welcome to a new shift of awakening on Earth and within your being, a time of profound shifts that you have been preparing for since 2012. The Era of Love will more fully manifest from your being and into Earth in 2016 for your greater experience.


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