Archangel Michael: Many people have been feeling odd lately. Most assume it has to do with the various weather storms or political world events, but there is more going on.
We tell you what you already know: You are creating your future. We cannot tell you with any certainty what is coming because you are not complete with your creation process at this point.
Look before you. What do you see? Revealing itself now is the awareness, application, and gift of the energy of welcoming. Most welcoming is energy and a presence that lovingly comes forward and ignites itself as a remembrance and a beginning.
For the past few years, I have been humbly honored to channel messages of love from Mother Ulura. She recently offered insights about her origins and her purpose for coming through a channel to address the human world at this time of the great shift in consciousness.
My beloveds, how wonderful it is to have this vehicle to communicate with you. I have come today to tell you about a portal that is opening. In truth, it is not new, but it is now accessible to you.
Good morning, my dear ones, my precious ones. How amazing to have you all gathered here! Have no concerns if you are listening or reading this; you are still gathered here.
What is the value of judging energy? Determining that some energy is good and some is bad or that some energy is too much and some is not enough and is a distraction from being with energy as it is.
You often speak of the concept of oneness. It is time to expand your understanding of oneness. In the highest truth, you are all one soul. You are all part of the soul of the Creator. The Creator is the Central Sun or often called the Godhead.
While visiting Japan for my Metatronic Spiritual School Tour, on my day off from teaching and meeting with clients for private sessions, I had decided to spend the morning at a little café tucked away from the noise and bustle of Tokyo’s main streets.
This is a rare personal interview with one of the most extraordinary way-showers and mystics of our time. We asked our beloved Almine some behind-the-scenes questions about her life and work.