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Accept You Already Are the Best Version of You

Starbeings of Conroy
Thelma Bodnar

Greetings, dear ones near and far. As you read these words, know you are being brought into a new awareness of love and light combined with a splash of joy and peace. These elements of your life call to you to experience your highest self in all you think, do, and say.

Keep Showing Up

Archangel Metatron
Melanie Beckler

Greetings from Archangel Metatron. We wish to share that, as your spirit guides and team in the nonphysical, we will always show up for you when called on. We are here to support you in stepping into the fullness of your truth.

The Communication Breakdown

Gilly Wilmot

Strength in communication among all living forms is a vital aspect for development. Living forms include human beings and other living, sentient beings: creatures of the sea, the land, and the air. All need to communicate, and their communication needs to be strong and clear.

Live by the Code of the Dragon

The Dragon and the Council of Wise Ones
Sharon Taphorn

You have been camouflaged for too long, and this has kept you dormant and in a kind of stasis. Some of you have even forgotten your quests.

The Mystery of Ascension Revealed

Virginia Ellen

I greet you in the light of the God that I am. You are beloved of God, you are God’s beloved love, and you are God’s beloved life. In truth, you have no life separate from God.

Move into the Balance That Heals All

Karinna Nielsen

I have a friend who has had horrible back pain since he was in a car accident several years ago. He has tried various holistic and medical practitioners, including a physician, who suggested surgery. He is unsure of what to do, so he simply endures the pain.

Multi-Matter Is Alive in True Abundance

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

How does the lightbody create an abundant life in the multidimensional master and change their empathic or perfection stress?

Release Doubt to Navigate the Storms

Archangel Zadkiel
Sri Ram Kaa

Beloved beings of the divine oneness living through the presence of light and joy, it is a celebration to share sacred time with you today. This is a moment of pure joy, for you are at the time of your divine remembrance.

The Advanced Mystical Laws of Abundant Supply


Tell us about loss and compensation.
In believing in the illusion of loss, we also have to believe in the illusion of compensation. In harboring these illusions, we manifest the following:

Celebrate Your Inner Truth

Celestial White Beings
Natalie Glasson

Greetings, magnificent beings of light. We love you deeply. We are one with you, and we walk your path with you. We wish to celebrate your truth and encourage you to celebrate the sacred love, peace, and light within you.


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