Due to many changes in my life, I planned to stop channeling the Founders for a while. We can plan as much as we want and even have good arguments for our planning; however, that does not mean things will unfold according to our plans.
My blessings to you, dear ones. I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. We’re going to talk about portals because the 11/11 is a portal, and so is the 12/12, by the way. Each month — the 1/1, the 2/2, the 3/3, and so on — is the energetic opening of a portal.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Each of you is absolutely unique. If you could measure Human past experience, you would find that each of you is different in many ways.
Greetings, I am Aurora. Today I have a message for the many people who dedicate their lives to children. Children are born as spiritual beings, and they bring much inner wisdom into this life. Then what happens? In school, they are crammed with intellectually oriented subject matter.
Greetings! I am Metatron, lord of light. We once and always greet you, warmly and lovingly, in this eternal moment of now. This moment brings us together in truth, understanding, and wisdom through the matrix of the unified field, combining geometric thought patterns with desire and awareness.
Beloved Earth beings, notice how the universe continues to expand across the vast moving space of consciousness. More worlds are being born, colliding with other masses and constellations. Some stars are dying and being swept into giant black holes.
Beloved students, welcome to the last month of the first quarter of 2018. Does time seem to be flying quickly this year? I’m sure the notable uptick in planetary turbulence these past few years is obvious by now.
I have come to speak to you, the children of love. Indeed, you are children; you behave like children. It is time to grow up and become the love that you are.