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You Can Create and Re-create Anew in Any Situation

Archangel Michael
and the Beings of Light
Norma Gentile

Norma: I asked my guides what would best serve people to read at this time. What my mind recalled was a small, rough transcription that I had not yet edited.

Let Your Light Shine with Purpose

The Collective Soul Consciousness
Carolyn Gervais

If you are reading this, chances are that you’re what your world calls an old soul. Older souls are dedicated to finding ways to unify people through what can be shared.

The Creator’s Intention for You

Archangel Michael
Natalie Glasson

Deep blessings. I, Archangel Michael, extend to your being as I come forth with the angelic kingdom to embrace you in love, peace, and grace. Today, I wish to speak of the Creator’s intentions.

Random Acts of Kindness Can Change the World

Adironnda and the Council of Light
Marilyn Harper

Adironnda and the Council of Light: It is good day to you. We love seeing all your shining energies surrounding our vessel, Marilyn, as we connect with you through her. Your brilliance is magnificent.

Gracious Living

The Cosmic Light Collective and Humble Father
Ilona Anne Hress

The Cosmic Light Collective: Good evening, beloveds. We are supported by universal crystalline energies that utilize geometric forces as transmission lines. They have Source’s power to upgrade, uphold, and transfigure the energy of life itself.

Qualities of a Master: Prudence

All There Is
and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

We continue to provide the information necessary to raise your vibration and fulfill your soul plan on Earth. Some among you intuitively understand that your spirit desires for you to become a master on Earth. In this article, we begin to lay out the twenty-two characteristics of a master.

Recognize the God Flame within All

Sanat Kumara and Venus
David Christopher Lewis

We, Sanat Kumara and Venus, come with Meta, Cha Ara, and many of the Venusians who work with your higher selves to bring a culture of beauty, love, understanding, and joy to Earth.

That Four-Letter Word

Goddess Diana and Ascended Master Kuthumi
Chanel Lingenfelder

Goddess Diana: You are once again facing a time of self-illumination, standing in front of your pillars of self-reflection, self-recognition, self-development, and, thus, self-creation.

We Are Source Light

Supreme Creator Goddess

In our separation experiment, we humans seem to have lost our connection to who we are and the whole. We see ourselves as separate beings or souls, but our perspective is selfish. We feel alone and unsupported, and this is far from the perspective intended by Source.

Scan the Galaxy for Advanced Civilizations

David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. You might wonder how beings from other advanced civilizations communicate with Earth. Do they even know that Earth exists and that it contains higher life forms?


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