Therese: I see and sense the amazing energy of Mother Mary as she slowly and gently comes into my line of vision. Today, this wondrous Divine Feminine is dressed all in white.
Archangel Michael and Mary and the Beings of Light
Norma Gentile
Norma: The three types of Long COVID I am seeing now have symptoms that are often overlooked, discounted, or assigned to other diseases. Does this apply to you or to someone you know?
Life was created to experience all that is possible, and the goal was that humanity would evolve to the point of finding balance in caring for the body, mind, and soul instead of putting them at odds with each other.
Greetings. It is an honor to be in your presence. I radiate my light of love and wisdom into your being to serve you in a way that is most appropriate and essential for you at your current stage of ascension.
Marilyn: Fear is one of the most debilitating emotions. When I started down this path of being a messenger (a “divine link,” as Adironnda calls me), fear certainly kept me feeling small. I was afraid of judgment, criticism, and others’ opinions.
Ascended Master Kuthumi and the Celestial Companions
Chanel Lingenfelder
I am Kuthumi, and I come forward on the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this time and to gift you with a divine blessing of illumination. I wish for each of you to be held in the heart of Christ and carried in the hands of God.
Greetings, beloved ones, I am Metatron, speaking to you in this time of seeming unrest. Know that the heart always beats with the beat of love in your incarnate self, your spirit, and all that you are.
The Wisdom of Oneness: Creation is a living hologram, and all of reality is a holographic field. Perceptual reality’s hologram affects the capacity for reality’s manifestation to be interpreted and perceived as existence as you know it.
For the most part, you do not require more judgment placed against you. What you require is love and a certain amount of nurturing. You block most love at this time. You find it very difficult to love yourself and are often critical of your behavior. You see yourself as not doing well enough