My dear colleagues of light, I am Gaia, sister and friend, mother and protector, lover and defender. I am all of these, am I not? And so are you. モHow is that so?ヤ you may ask.
In this third exploration of the realms of light, the various arms of the spiral of evolution, we recognize that each of these arms is actually just a different point of view.
For many of you, calendars have been nothing more than ways to coordinate and synchronize timing for everyday activities and for interacting with others. It has also been a way of setting future milestones and pinpointing events from the past.
We want to talk to you today about living healthier and happier lives. You may wonder why we would be interested and involved in these aspects of human life and not just the spiritual. We are interested and want to support all aspects of life on Pachamama.
Greetings, beloved warriors of the light. Today we want to share with you how you arrive at spiritual partnership with another being in physical form and how, ultimately, you merge with God. You have come so far; watching you is giving us many feelings akin to your human emotions.
Sweet ones, awaken to the moment and know that you have a choice. I beseech you to ascend to the state of choice. Choice gives you freedom. It is an enlightened state of consciousness.
Beloved one, when you first thought to create, you left a part of you, an awareness of you that is still with you. You turned from it and you said, "I want to create.
Beloved one, I want to speak with you now about the love that you are and the robot self of you that you have been. When you are born, you come as a small infant with remembrances of other lifetimes, other conditionings, other trainings, other events which seemingly have happened.