We are Simion, the evolutionary collective. Having explored the potential causes of what ails you, as suggested in a previous transmission, you are now free to heal yourselves with happiness!
Channelメs Note: Lately, the Great Invocation has been playing through my head when I wake up in morning. This is a powerful energy. Allow it to just flow through you.
Greetings, you beloved souls gathered today to share your wondrous placement and the story of how love gets to participate in lives beyond a point of reference. You all hold the space to come here and journey on a sacred path that is at times very hard to present: love.
I greet you, beloved students, in the freshness of 2014. I trust you all sense a bit of an energetic shift from 2013 as you awaken to new possibilities, new sources of inspiration, and even new realities.
What would you say if I were to remind you that this year began long ago? Yes, my dears, this year that you are calling 2014 began before you entered into physicality. What do I mean by those words? Let's talk.
My dear brothers and sisters, I am Gaia, and I address you as such today because I want to establish the seed in your memory of understanding our deep connection to each other. Do you not feel that we truly are equals? We are family — all of us.
Greetings, dear ones, and welcome to the new year of 2014! The energies are getting quite intense and still climbing. We are always with you to comfort you and cheer you on, whether you can feel us or not. More and more of you are getting sensitive to our presence, our love, and our counsel.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I would like to look at this concept known as the unified field theory. As you know, modern physics has looked for a theory that will explain everything that is occurring in the manifested world.
Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Let us take a deeper look at the ascension, for there are stages of development and certain trainings you must go through in order to complete your ascension experience.