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Tools to Become a Beacon of Light

Cathy Chapman

My dear ones, this is Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. I want to bring together some things I have shared with you in the past. My intention is for you to know how to use them.

Every Human Can Now Manifest

Robert Shapiro

All right, this is Isis.


See the Invisible

Inspired Information, White Buffalo Calf Woman
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As spring finally pushed her way up through a rather harsh winter vortex, the warm breezes and the April showers unleashed what is hidden deep within life. Everything that was dormant for several months came to life — seeds, dreams, hopes.

Meet with Your Guides; Learn Everything You Can

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

Devoted children of the Creator, your destiny is infinite like the stars within the universe. You are capable of overcoming any obstacle or evil because of your divine identity. Unify with the healing sustenance of the Creator, and you will thrive in the world.

Experiencing the Cosmic Triplefold Heart

Wisdom Teacher
Sri Ram Kaa

Hello, beloved angels of great and glorious light. We say welcome to you: Bienvenido. Hello and welcome. In the glorious energy of the divine moment that is at hand now, your heart has expanded.

Evolving into Higher Consciousness


There are seven quantum fields available to humans, seven different realities or dimensions. Not only is this the case in the macrocosm, but also in humanity, the microcosm, where these manifest as the seven bodies of humankind.

The Emergence of the New Earth

The Elohim of Peace
Judith K. Moore

Channel's Note: We are living in such incredible times; I believe them to be the times of absolute miracles. I do not limit our future to rational projections. I see beyond the hardship of our times to the power that emerges.

Merging into Self-Mastery

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, beloved. I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. It is year two of the newly ascended planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet, there is a unique opportunity for self-review and chosen solitude.

Cleanse Your Energy Field to Reveal Your True Self

Amariah Mara

You are all too familiar with the distractions that get you down every day and keep you from expressing the greatness that you are. Imagine if you could dissolve these distractions and be free to express the best of all that you have worked for in your lifetime.

Evolution and Biorelativity

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today we will look at the concept of evolution and how it applies to a planet, to a person, and to the universe. I want to look at several important concepts in evolution because Earth, at this point, is in an evolutionary crisis.


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