Greetings from Home. You have been watched and seen. Your own path is starting to change in new ways, and it is becoming very beautiful on Earth, although we know that is not your perception. We can see very clearly that there is so much turmoil.
Hello, my dear ones. This is Isis of Thebes and Karnak. What I want to speak about today is indeed very important to the well-being of our souls, and by that, I mean that your soul will feel strengthened by this.
By the time you're reading this, you'll have already gone through the emotionally disturbing process within the navel chakra and the solar plexus chakra. You're going to have already gone through that process.
The soul only knows love, oneness. It is the human mind, the brain within this body, that translates everything through our experiences in order to make sense of them. The soul is always free from that.
Hello, we are the Angels of the Energy Fields, and we are here to discuss how your energy fields are going through rapid change for your birthing into All That You Are.
As you are ready to integrate it, we are gradually refining and expanding your cosmic knowledge. The more refined frequencies you integrate, the stronger your desire will become to share the powerful, loving energy you feel pulsating from within your sacred heart center.
Intelligent energy is the stuff of which everything you see is made. Here's how it works: Intelligent energy responds to commands given to it. Those commands are not as you think. They're not necessarily spoken orders or even consciously thought commands, although they can be and often are.
It is time for the awakening of humankind. I speak to the Christ within you so that you may know your value and your oneness, for I am within all of you. I am the light that shines within all of you. I have come to give you my hand so that you may return home to the beloved Father.