Hello, everyone. This is Isis of Thebes and Karnak. I want to speak to you this day about something that we have talked about before: the subject of your spiritual disciplines.
The consciousness of Earth's existence has entered a powerful time when the forces of Genesis are at work in Earth's and humanity's evolution of consciousness. The light of infinite oneness is permeating your existence now.
Beloved masters, shall we continue the review of some of our most important teachings of the past? It is vital that you have the major objectives of the ascension process firmly entrenched within your memory banks.
Hello. This is Isis of Thebes and Karnak. I wish to speak to you all today about something that is truly integral in your spiritual studies, and that is the subject of what you should do before you sit down to meditate.
Juliano, the Arcturians, Chief White Eagle, and Metatron
David K. Miller
Greetings, I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. I want to look at the concept of coherence and how this important concept applies to personal, planetary, and galactic healing. Coherence is a term that has a multidimensional meaning, especially when it comes to energy work.
Beloved one, I will continue with my life story. What I share with you is how I viewed my life. There may be others who will say, "But that's not what I've heard," and that is okay. I would not stand in front of people and tell them that they are wrong.
As above, so below. Our purpose in communicating with you is to assist where needed, to allow for an easier passage to a higher vibrational existence, and to aid in an individual's spiritual growth. We are, in a very real sense, here to serve your needs.
What was once sought is now freed into expression of purpose. Truths that were once hidden now unwrap themselves in the schematics of the new time dialogue. Energies that went unharnessed now entrain themselves. Duality of purpose seeks a partner as Earth dances around with her upcoming choices.
As the children of light awaken and the crystalline frequencies of the DNA are expanded, the DNA opens the lightbody to a pure and conscious union with the energies of creation that are infusing your planet from the cosmic source.