My greetings to you, dear one! I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. I am the mother of Quan Yin, Mother Mary, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Yemayah, Kali, and all of the divine mothers, including those who walk on this Earth.
As humankind lives now, individuality is largely squashed in a sea of conformity and into a mass consciousness of sheep who feed a greedy, self-interested few.
Channel's Note: I was in a grocery store standing in front of a section of gluten-free products. There was another woman there. She turned to me and said, "I don't understand this. I never had a problem with this before. Where did it come from?" I shook my head and smiled.
From Star: Many people are experiencing much confusion at this point in time about who they are and how they have come to be here. They are searching for new identities because the old ideas just aren't working anymore.
Beloved beings of the divine oneness, light, and joy, it is a great celebration to share this sacred time with thee today. As you embody the energy of this time, beloved children of this world, it is again the moment of understanding of the process of self-ascension.
Dear ones, I am Gaia, and I hold each one of you always in my embrace. In this role, I act as a mother to every human on Earth. But you see it is not just the humans with whom I share this role.
Greetings, our beloved beings! Greetings to you! We are Expanded Consciousness, and we will speak with you concerning what you call your personal identity and how the concept of yourself and who you are or who you might be determines the nature of your journey.