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Emotions as Energy of Destruction and Creativity

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

There are certain reincarnational sojourns that carry more light and more opportunity, and this is one that offers a quantum leap in your growth of consciousness. In the new energy, you may expand your perceptions, your beliefs, and indeed your priorities.

Awaken the Heart's Love Within

The Pegasians
Ray Dawn

Hello to you, we are the Pegasians, and we speak to you in kindness. In the kindest of ways, we meet you. We meet you in the heart space, and we ask you to relax there and listen to these words we speak to you.

Resolving Issues with Family

Mary Magdalene
Mercedes Kirkel

This is a personal message Mary gave to me.

Flowing with Your Crystalline DNA

The Crystalline Beings of Divine Light
Sri Ram Kaa

Hello, beloved angels of great crystalline light! There are great crystalline rainbows and great crystalline bridges that are building on themselves from the multidimensional fields of quantum space.

Wisdom of the Sacred Circle

Grandfathers Council of the Wisdom Keepers
Judith K. Moore

We speak to you, as we are the Wisdom Keepers. We speak to you from the lodge of visions. We speak to you of this truth, the truth of your being, and the truth of your life.

You Are the Warriors of Love

the Angels
Star Hinman

We wish to tell all of you about your immense power to change the world, to be a positive force for good in the world. It is so important that you do not feel helpless before the violence that has been unleashed in your city of Tucson, Arizona, and also in other parts of your world.

Healthy Practices: Eating, Thinking, and Living

Papa Juan
Beatriz Jimpson

This is Papa Juan, and we are present with you through all your life and death cycles, through your joys and trials, through your wars and times of peace, and through your travels and expansions. You are a loved and cherished species.

The Missing Ingredient for Your Radiant Health

The Ancient One
Miriandra Rota

Greetings! I am an ancient one, and I come forth to speak with you on the topic of radiant health.

Why People Get Ill

Mary Magdalene
Mercedes Kirkel

I would like more insight into the area of illness, as I have stumped doctors many times over the years. As a holistic practitioner, I have been exploring "soul illness" to see whether I could find an explanation and/or cause for previously unexplained health issues.

The Ascension: A Continuation of Jeshua's Story of His Life after the Resurrection

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, I have been telling you my story, my adventures after the resurrection. Now we will talk about the ascension.


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