Greetings, beloved beings, greetings to you! We are Expanded Consciousness, and we flow forth to speak with you on the topic of fear and its pattern that resides within the cause and effect.
Beloved one, in the beginning before time was, you called forth the universe. You called forth this particular solar system with your Sun and the known planets as well as other solar systems and galaxies.
Rituals are sequences of actions that are performed to achieve a desired outcome. There are many types of rituals. In fact, from a certain point of view, life itself is a ritual.
Dear ones, I am Gaia, and I also speak for the collective energies that influence and work on the planet. I embrace the elementals as well as the devas and water spirits, the wind sprites, and various other beings who are every bit as much of your existence as you.
You will begin to see great changes in the way you live your life, as you are about to open up to a completely new way of perceiving reality. You are all creative beings, and you each create your own personal realities and your own view, or perspective, of that particular reality.
We are the Wisdom Guardians. We have come to share important information regarding the discovery of sacred knowledge, the use of power, and the integration of higher frequency downloads.
Light is light. It is seen differently, however, through many eyes. God knows this and gives the options and freedom to each creation so that they can grow into more God-like beings. Humans are slow to release into healing, for they cannot imagine that it can be done so rapidly.
I bring greetings from near and far. Near, I say, because, in essence, I am part of you, not distinct from you; and you may reach me (and my wisdom) by going deep within.
Others can harm you, but only if you let them. The most potent energy crack — the most insidious darkness invitation — is your fear. Chronic fear, worry, resentment, and skepticism open the door. Release these and be free, dear ones. Bless the gift of the lesson, and be done with it.
As your planet shifts, the year 2015 will be very pivotal. Your Earth continues to adjust itself to the Ratius alignment,1 which is, as we have stated before, the position of each planet now in your solar system.