Greetings from Home. We are pleased to bring you a view from the top for the coming year 2015. We have watched in excitement as you stepped into a new dimension, yet much of what you have been waiting for is still ahead.
The year 2015 is going to be kind of a rough year in some ways, but you have all received a lot of training — through this channel and most likely through others. You have your own methods, so you can apply them for your benefit and the benefit of your friends and family and others.
Note to reader: Words in italics were delivered with emphasis, |Stop and Contemplate| indicates a pause with a shift in the energy by the being speaking through Arthur, and [ ] Indicates words inserted for clarity.
Greetings, masters, I am Metatron, Archangel of Light, and I greet you in a vector of unconditional love. Therefore, in this gathering, we are asked by the channel to discuss the year that lies before you, 2015, in your linear time. It is Year Three of the New Earth.
We are the Arcturians, and we have come again to continue our discussion of the changes that are happening to the form of your species. For many eons we have waited for the events that are now occurring in your world.
Greetings, beloved lightwalkers. You have been working hard to raise the vibrational level of your planet, and it has paid off! Everything you contributed to this in the past year has made it possible to enter a series of portals that have now opened to you. What are these portals?
The crucible has been carried by this family of light. It has been and continues to be carried for humanity. The time at hand is crucial to the spiritual evolution of not only your planet but also of all time and space. What will now occur is the healing of the wounds you carry.
Greetings, friends. It is with joy that we come together again to celebrate what is new for you and what is the passing of the old year and the coming of the new with the change of the season as the Sun once again ascends in the Northern Hemisphere and descends in the Southern Hemisphere.
Note:The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.
Because we have been invited to speak about the upcoming year of 2015, we will begin by saying that all is never written in stone, as you have the familiar phrase. Yet there are some occurrences that would be more than possible, and of those, we will speak.