In these times when so much is not in harmonious flow, it is important to connect to and focus on the energies that are here to enhance the vibration of your planet.
Therese: The vision presented to us is a pathway winding into a forest. We feel the support of Mother Earth beneath our feet as we are guided toward a grove of magnificent cherry trees in full bloom.
Many spiritual awakenings start after the pain of physical or emotional setbacks. As Rumi said, “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” After recovery, we feel better and are more thankful. We might also try to heal other areas still in pain.
The scriptures record my ascension as being forty days after resurrection, but I had already ascended. I demonstrated this by living in a continual state of enlightenment and showing others that they, too, could release long-established negative constructs.
Carolyn: We each experience what we need to experience and in the way we need to receive it. No one way is better than another; they are just different.
Greetings, being of light. We are the Arcturians. We come as a collective vibration and consciousness to deliver information to serve you in this period of your ascension.
Marilyn: As I sit here waiting for the wisdom of Adironnda to come through, I hear a stillness. My distracting ego says, “Can you really hear stillness?
As you raise your personal vibration, it is essential to remember that what you go through is meant to assist others in overcoming what you have overcome. You are a spiritual guide to others.
We step forward at this time to welcome you on your new path. Let go of what you thought you were, and allow all you truly are to come alive inside you. Step beyond your conceived boundaries, and walk into the dawn of a new day with us.
In the morning light, I come bearing a lotus flame in my hands. You cup your hands, and a lotus appears there with your personal flame. It is the flame of perfect mercy