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The Heart Field of Feeling

Wendy Rowley

Greetings. This is Allaenea of cosmic service. Peace be with you in this time of spring renewal. In one-half of the hemisphere, renewal is occurring in an obvious bursting way with the growth of plants, flowers, and trees. In the other hemisphere, cooler weather causes plants to be dormant.

The Column of Consciousness, Part II

Jeshua of the Sacred Heart
Carlos Rubio

Dear one, I am your brother, Jeshua. The pillar of light you are extends from the heart of God and connects to the center of the planet. It is a direct link from source to Mother Gaia. She uses this conduit to download codes necessary to support and renew life.

Your Presence Makes a Difference

Lords of Light
Maureen St. Germain

We are the Lords of Light, offering you comfort and compassion. You are being tested in ways you might have thought were of your own making. You are being prepared to help others, so you could say that is a form of your own making.

The Crystalline Universe

Jaap van Etten

The crystalline universe helps us understand that crystalline energies are everywhere and that our bodies are crystalline in nature. The universe is a conscious being with a frequency range far beyond our perceptual capabilities.

Children of Light: Gender and Ascent

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Light master, do you perceive your reality through the eyes of the human or of the divine light human?

Following Oneness

Sara Wiseman

It’s pretty easy to know what we know: We’re souls in human form. We’re collective souls together. Everything is One. Everything is now.

The Science of Manifestation: How the Mind Forms Our Reality

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
Riz Mirza

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby was an American clockmaker, mentalist and mesmerist. His work is widely recognized as foundational to the New Thought spiritual movement.

Imagine Your Fourth-Dimensional DNA

Telos with Archangel Michael and the Galactic Office of the Christ
Kenton David Bell

Good day. We come here from another dimensional universe to share tips, clues, secrets, and activations to help assist you during this time of great transition and ascension on planet Earth.

Take the Lead

Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

Interpreting cryptic messages from religious scriptures, spiritual doctrines, or gnostic records can result in a form of complacency through subjective determinism because you, the seeker, might be working from a limited frame of reference.

Wo and the Second Floor

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. What a treat it always is to come before you, especially if this is your first time with us. The messages I have are always given in love.


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