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Global Changes

Gaia and Theo
Tom T. Moore

Gaia, is the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica in danger of collapsing in the near future?

Yes, unfortunately, it is. The ice is melting at a rate that will not sustain its continued stability.

Earth Changes Are Catalysts to Move Humanity Forward

Zintis Muiznieks

Are there any tools, technologies, or techniques that people will use to cope with the issues that humanity faces?

Create Change and Transform Your Life

Master Guide Imhotep
Karinna Nielsen

The new year of 2023 is a 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7), and in Lemurian numerology1 , 7 represents transition. With this in mind, let us consider the transition occurring on Earth now in the great shift in consciousness and how each of you is woven into this journey.

Predictive Guidelines for Your Spiritual Evolution

Pia Orleane

You have asked for our guidance and spiritual suggestions for moving forward in your evolutionary journey, and we are pleased to support you.

The Open Eye of the Storm

St. Germaine and the Blue Starborn
Kira Raa

St. Germaine: Beloved ones, as all arrive into the experience of 2023, the illumination of All That Is has now come full circle to be remembered, renewed, and restored.

Reside in Your True Nature

The Essences
Ari Regala

How is your presence of being? The states you perceive as being chaotic, dysfunctional, and wrong might have purposes of which you are unaware. These truths of divinity might seem hard at times and indeed perilous, but you are what your divinity wants and creates.

A Year of Manifestation

Heather Robb

What a year 2022 has been. Our evolution has expanded beyond all possibilities. Looking back, we have seen changes guide us to deeper understanding. The pathways to our evolution have sped beyond prior experience. But how does this impact humanity?


The Angelic Realms and Crystal Skull Energies
Nancy Robinson

Where are you now? Where do you want to be? What do you need to release or replace so that you can bring the highest dreams of your heart into reality in 2023?

Memory-Seed Activators Are an Important Part of the Great Transition

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, there are a great number of brave starseed souls who are memory-seed activators at many different vibrational-pattern levels.

Allow the Heart to Lead

The Pleiadian Collective
Saiedah Rose

Perhaps at this time in your Earth collective, you wonder what is the best way to navigate through these erratic times. It can seem overwhelming to know what to do, so you desire to know what is coming at all times so that you may be prepared.


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