The group: Greetings from Home. We join you this day with great joy to show you important items directly ahead on your path. As lightworkers on planet Earth, you have come with an intent to do specific things that further your growth as an individual spirit.
The most important and powerful changes that are happening on Earth are not on the physical level. The focus has for so long been on what happens in the outer world because we can see that. Humans have come to fear their feelings because emotions can be so difficult to experience.
Dearest beings of light, this is Alaenea of Cosmic Service, Pleiadian Mother of Sound. We wish to speak about the up-and-coming year and what is ahead. Now, you know that we do not really predict.
Saryon: Last year, Chief Big Bear spoke of a cosmic wind starting to blow over Earth that would begin resurrecting a layer of connective energy in the human aura, making it easier for us to blend energies with our guides and animal spirits.
Dear ones, we of the Committee bring you infinite love, support, and encouragement from beyond the Pleiades. We are most happy to assist during these important earthly times, for your world is at a pivotal juncture. The power in each present moment is most precious and vital.
We have to do the predictions issue for the journal. Can you speak to that in any way at all? How are the changes on Earth coming? How can we accommodate them? Things like that
The months of November and December will be filled with great change and disruption of many kinds. With every disruption comes an opportunity to find a way to work around it.
We see you for who you are. We see you in the continuation of Source and love. We see you in your confusion and in your understanding. Do you see yourselves? Do you see yourselves as we see you — as strong and powerful and courageous — or do you see yourselves as victims?