Here’s the situation: People feel overwhelmed. Almost everyone is experiencing this, even children. This is because the world is changing, and things that always were are not so much that way anymore.
The Lords of Light: We are the Lords of Light bringing you a message of hope and peace. Many of you have great concerns about the so-called wars, disasters, and difficult situations that are occurring, and we ask you to pray for the resolution of these issues.
Welcome, masters of metaphysics and bio-essence love. We come together to celebrate and radiate further illumination and exploration of each soul’s unique metaphysics. What does divine love mean to each heart-light?
Well, for starters, start practicing telepathy. All life forms on Earth have telepathy. And when you, the older generation, were born, you also operated for the first few years under telepathy.
Be aware that you are truly being given an opportunity to become a vessel of healing and love that holds a great celestial light, which is magnified and streaming within your solar structure. This is a time in which many concealed learnings are unfolding long-forgotten truths.
Greetings, I am Ancient One. I come forward to speak with you briefly about love. Now, don’t turn away from this talk because you think that it’s going to be a little spongy and not powerful enough for you.
Good morning, dear people of Earth. We are Telos. We are one, yet we are many. We are unified, yet we are individuated as well. We are born from a template and DNA structure similar to humans on planet Earth. You might think of us as cousins to you, humans.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Looking at the world situation, there are many who would wring their hands and say, “I see the evil all around me and the inhumanity.
My blessings to each of you. I know you well. Not only do I traverse this planet to give you one drop of compassion, I traverse this planet to bless you and listen to your heart. What is compassion but knowing someone’s heart?