Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Many people talk about the future of this planet, so let’s go back in time, not a lot but just a little, and talk about that which took place in what astronomers call the precession of the equinoxes.
I am Serapis Bey. I will be guiding you through a portal into the sacred chamber within your heart. From there, a multitude of possibilities are at hand. The heart’s sacred chamber is the most powerful place within you. It’s where the keys to your mastery and the access to your divinity lie.
I am Serapis Bey. I will be guiding you through a portal into the sacred chamber within your heart. From there, a multitude of possibilities are at hand. The heart’s sacred chamber is the most powerful place within you. It’s where the keys to your mastery and the access to your divinity lie.
Dear ones, as you enter through the portal of the lifegiving force field kicking and screaming (as it is very traumatic to be birthed here), you take on an intended divine imprint of authenticity that is programmed by several subtemplates.
We are Telos. We are a multidimensional energy that consists of many consciousnesses braided together as one unified being of consciousness. We come through the Central Sun. That is the most approximate location and origin we can share with you at this time that is understandable to humankind.
Greetings, beloved ones! I go by many names. Names are just labels that hold an imprint of the energy of the host. The energy itself is neutral. Therefore, the labels that can be assigned to my energy are inconsequential and do not affect the being that I am.
Beloved masters, your greatest inborn desire is to return to full God consciousness; however, there is still much confusion as to how this is to be accomplished. Many of you are well on your way to becoming cocreative masters of light once more.
Greetings and love we extend to you now. We are the collective energy and consciousness of the Arcturians. We wish to bring forth information as well as guidance of how to overcome an ascension phase with tools, skills, and sacred spaces.