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Vibrational Therapy

Heather Robb

A friend had been traveling around the United Kingdom and sent me a photo of Crowland Abbey.
“That’s very haunted!” I exclaimed after seeing the photo. Goosebumps went up and down my arms.
“You’re probably right,” he said. “The Vikings and later Henry VIII destroyed it.”

Benevolent Outcomes

Tom T. Moore

Lauri writes: As Hurricane Milton approached Florida’s West Coast, even though I live on Florida’s East Coast, I requested MBOs for myself and my home to be safe and protected from any serious weather impacts.

The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

Loki’s Mom: Hi, Kim. Can you please communicate with my dogs, Loki and Lola, and ask them a few questions? They’re on medication, but I want to do all I can to help them.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed my mom was driving a large RV with my evil older sister as a passenger. She was a bit out of control behind the wheel and didn’t know how to park it well.

The Crystal Garden

Margaret Ann Lembo

Every day, every week, every month, and every new year, you have an opportunity to begin again. Whether it concerns a new beginning or a fresh perspective on an existing project, there are tools on the metaphysical level to keep your enthusiasm fired up.

New Age Notes

Dyan Garris

Music from award-winning pianist and composer Masako is always a true delight. We never know exactly what we might find, but whatever it is, it is always well done, and nothing is ever lost.

Essences of Nature

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

This is the time of year when we make resolutions. We have the best of intentions and know what works for us. More importantly, we know what does not work for us.

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web

Maria Yracébûrû

Grandmother Naylin Lagé: In separation, many have lived without the experience of a supportive community. The model of the traditional, extended family as a way of life is of incalculable importance.

Akashic Answers

Amanda Romania

Welcome to the Akashic Answers. As we leave behind 2024 and the year 8 — the year of karma and money — we are nearly at the completion of another cycle in the akashic Earth record. I have consulted with my oracle wisdom to create insights about this exciting year ahead.

Vibrational Therapy

Heather Robb

Walking the pathway to the light is not always an easy task as we pass through our lessons toward evolution. In this lies the need to better understand the pathway that enables us to evolve into more of our divine nature.


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