Dear one, enlightenment is on the horizon, and the awakening of humanity to Earth’s higher dimensions is in progress. The planetary consciousness is rising out of the darkness and into the light.
Crystals, minerals, and stones are tools to help you create balance, happiness, and health on all levels — mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
The angels say everyone will see heaven, but the religion I grew up with says you will either go to heaven or hell after you die. Can the angels explain this a bit more? I’m confused. — Jaleen, Fort Worth, TX
The angels say everyone will see heaven, but the religion I grew up with says you will either go to heaven or hell after you die. Can the angels explain this a bit more? I’m confused. — Jaleen, Fort Worth, TX
Welcome to 2023 and blessings from Sedona, Arizona. For many years, I have worked with souls from the Orion constellation. They have been friends over many of my lifetimes. As I answered these questions, they were present, channeling support and love.
Everything is energy, and all energy has a vibration. Crystals have energy and vibration, and their vibration is based on the stone’s color and how the stone grew in the earth. Every stone has a spiritual component to help you further develop your spiritual connection.
We all feel lonely and a little lost at times. We could be in a relationship or want to be in a relationship and yet desire to feel a deeper connection to ourselves and others. We yearn for what we can’t have and dismiss what we do have.
Hello, everyone. This is being channeled from the animal kingdom, elemental kingdoms, and all sentient beings to bring you a message of high importance that we know will resonate in your hearts.
Laura writes: I lost my hearing aid and felt despaired because I was facing other medical bills. The thought of having to replace it was just too much. I thought for sure that I’d lost it near the elevator on the first floor of my apartment building.