From the angels: The infusion of wonder, joy, and happiness into life can be obtained from the angels or your soul. Angels of God surround you, and the way we bring these feelings to you is to open your heart to feel.
Hi, my name is Ambrosia, and I’m a big, beautiful, handsome dog. I sometimes visit my grandparents, who live in a spirit house. They don’t live in a haunted house, mind you, because the spirits don’t do any haunting.
What is my higher purpose as an empath and lightworker? I’m always seeking, but I don’t feel anything. Perhaps you can help. Perhaps dreaming has something to do with it? Thank you. — Sierra M.
It is natural to want to find balance or restore balance on all levels. When it feels as if your life is out of control, it is important to mindfully ward off negative thinking as well as negative people and situations.
Jesus: There are two worlds: the world of what you call the third dimension and the world of unconditional love, which is the fifth dimension. In the 3D world, there is judgment, blame, criticism, suffering, and struggle. It is run by believing in sin and punishment.
September 1: I am complete. I am fulfilled in movement (Herkimer diamond). I Wonder One, the world fills with love, and abundance comes to be known. We have found our way, catching rainbows with a shell.
From Lauri: There must be some sort of frustration or negativity you have been trying to cleanse yourself of for the past year or so, and you are clearly having a difficult time of it.
We don’t generally include our thoughts, emotions, and actions when we think of housekeeping. We will clean the bathroom before we clean or tidy up our thoughts and deeds. We tend to neglect our emotional hygiene.