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The Uranus-Saturn Square Pushes Us Outside the Box

Donna Taylor

June begins with Mercury retrograde, which straight away tells us that this isn’t going to be a normal month. At the very least, if we try to maintain our usual ways of doing things, we could be shown that things will not work very well for us.

Evaluate Your Purpose

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

June begins with Mercury retrograde in Gemini opposing the Galactic Center, which signals a time when many beings with much information, wisdom, and truth will be traversing upon the cosmic highway in regard to tandem lifetimes and alternate timelines.

There’s No Place Like Home

Donna Taylor

As we stand at the midpoint of the year, we might wish to take a moment to reflect on all that has been and where we currently find ourselves. The astrology of July will give us the opportunity to do this.

Wisdom, Truth, and Timing

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

During July 2021, three of the four points of avatar aligning with wisdom, truth, and timing are activated by one inner and two outer fast-moving planets.

True Freedom Rests Within

Michelle Karén

Jupiter remains retrograde until October 17, 2021. Its shadow period remains until January 10, 2022.

The Moment of Mastery Is Now

the essense
Kira Raa

Kira: July is the culmination of everything and every action from May through this moment. This culminating energy is a mastery moment to call forward all your visions and dreams in harmony with your beautiful physical form. This is the moment to trust you.

Passive Anger

Lynn Buess

Events and interests this month center around loss, sacrifice, and the things humanity has not been given. As a therapist and healer for decades, I have worked with thousands of clients, including those who were alcoholic, codependent, abusive, and in troubled relationships.

Root to Rise

Donna Taylor

I recently came across a saying: “We must root down in order to rise up.” That got me thinking about my own roots and how many of us are currently feeling uprooted.

Discover Harmony Within and Without

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

From July 24 to August 22, 2021, the influencing energies on a deep soul-heart level are all about discovering harmony within and without. Sensitivity to all types of energies is high during this time for everyone.

Metamorphosis in the Shadows

Michelle Karén

Jupiter remains retrograde this whole month until October 17. Its shadow period remains until January 10, 2022.


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