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A New Humanity Is Being Born

Lynn Buess

This is a most revealing time of increasing social and political change and unrest. Many awakening souls are recognizing the demise of the long-bankrupt U.S.A. “corporation.” Something new and old is being born out of the nation’s tribulation. The system is far too corrupt and compromised.

A Perfect Balancing Act

Kira Raa

August is a month of profound choice, and the essence of that choice sits at the depth of your soul’s experience: Who are you? How will you choose to be? August greets us from far outside the known universe with many people wondering how long they can keep living with things the way they are.

Go with the Flow

Donna Taylor

The basic premise of astrology is that there is a time to act and a time to lie low. The movements of the planets interact with our individual planetary dynamics and reveal good times to do particular things.

Shifting Values Call for Greater Accountability

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

September 2021 begins with five planets retrograde — Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn — continuing into mid-October. Mercury goes retrograde September 27 to October 18 in Libra.

Clear Away What No Longer Serves You

Michelle Karén

September has six retrograde planets! Out of ten planets, this is more than half. Retrogrades are based on what we see from Earth. Several times a year, our compared velocities make it look as if those planets are going backward, which of course is an optical illusion.

From the Impossible to the Plausible

Lynn Buess

This is a 5 universal year, and the number five will repeatedly appear in significant symbolic ways throughout the year. One example is 5G, the new internet-connection frequency that comes with many dubious warnings and statistics.

Open Your Eyes to the Road Not Seen

Kira Raa

The amplification energy this month is humbling and undeniable, the definition of lift off. Portals within portals open and collide into new creations as the flower of life invites itself to remember and expand into and through the second gate ignition.

Be Your Best Self

Donna Taylor

I was chatting with a cashier recently, and she commented that the whole COVID-19 experience seems to have brought out the best and the worst in people. It was a simple observation, yet it got me thinking.

Unearth What Detracts from Harmony

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The month of October 2021 is under the influence of Mercury retrograde in Libra. Going direct on October 18, 2021, it returns to its original retrograde motion on November 3, 2021.

Unprecedented Opportunities

Michelle Karén

Uranus remains retrograde until January 17, 2022. Its shadow period remains until May 5, 2022.


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