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A Time of Personal Reclamation

Lynn Buess

As spring emerges in the Northern Hemisphere, the spirit of revival and renewal blossoms among the populations that have grown weary of the political climate.

True Alchemical Transformation

Kira Raa

The spinning lotus of the ascended presence of archangelic support is here and saying yes to the heart of humanity. April is a month that invites us all to remember and trust the inspired voice of the divine mastery presence that is ours to harness and flow with.

The Karmic Books Are Being Balanced

Donna Taylor

There’s a lot of activity occurring in the heavens this month. Not only do we have the big event of Jupiter changing signs on May 11 but we also have a solar eclipse at the very beginning of May. This is followed by Mercury turning retrograde on May 10.

Revelations Redefine Leadership

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The Taurus point of avatar will be activated in May, creating portals between dimensions, timelines, worlds, and realms. This facilitates the ability to dismiss fear and drama and invites supportive, nurturing, strong, healing, loving energies for all beings.

Move toward Your Vision for the Future

Michelle Karén

Pluto remains retrograde until October 8. Its shadow period will remain until January 30, 2023. The degree traveled in May (28º36'–28º23' Capricorn) is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a woman reading tea leaves.”

The Magical, Mystical Conjunction: Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces

Raquel Spring

In astrology, a conjunction occurs when two or more planets in a chart are near each other from the perspective of Earth. A conjunction is the most powerful connection between two or more planets and is more important than any other planetary relationship.

The Double Prime Energy of Mastery

Kira Raa

Primary energy is an attribute of mastery that is yours to claim as resurrection to connect with the blue energy that birthed the cellular patterns of the genetic blueprints of DNA for the human form so many eons ago.

Humankind Is Awakening to a Higher Light

Lynn Buess

Global and national events may have an impact on your life this month or soon. Old religious institutions come under scrutiny by members who are being awakened by the inspiration of a higher light. Dogma is being questioned, and corrupted human-made scripts are being left behind.

Review the Structures of Your Life

Donna Taylor

As we reach the mid-point of the year, we might be ready for a breather since our lives move at such a rapid pace. With so much going on, we can easily be left reeling and gasping for air.

Truth and Wisdom Flow into Earth

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

During all of June 2022, Saturn in Aquarius will square with the Moon’s nodes.


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