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Our Futures Are Defined by Our Present Choices

Michelle Karén

Pluto is retrograde until October 8. Its shadow period remains until January 30, 2023. The degree traveled in June (28º36'–28º23' Capricorn) is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a woman reading tea leaves.” It is always very tempting to want to know what is coming.

The Double Infinite Supports You

Kira Raa

June is a month that you will always remember. The unique double infinite presence assists ascension expansion as the harmonic flow of unconditional love calls out to anchor it.

Old Systems Fall Away to Give Birth to the New

Lynn Buess

The numerical focus in June is on loss, the reexamination of life’s values, and the falling away of old systems to give birth to the new. The fear-based global control mechanism long in place is being revealed to a growing number of souls who see the light.

Break Out of Old Patterns

Donna Taylor

In astrology, Mars is the planet that governs energy, desire, motivation, and the ability to channel our energy into something.

Nurture the Process of Becoming a Butterfly

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The karmic destiny of humanity, specifically the world’s hopes and dreams at the original founding of the United States, now reveals the imbalances, limitations, and unintended outcomes from the past two centuries.

We Can Dream the World We Want into Being

Michelle Karén

Pluto is retrograde until October 8. Its shadow period remains until January 30, 2023.

The Birth of a New Paradigm

Lynn Buess

Underneath the flourishing blight of darkness that covers the globe, the foundation is being laid for a new global paradigm of living. A few inspired souls will see the archetypes and slowly alert the masses of the possibilities that lie ahead.

Expect Wildcard Energy

Kira Raa

This month, expect wildcard energy, triple-goddess expansion, and the infinite to double itself. Bring a hand to your heart, take in a deep breath, and smile more. Love yourself more. Hold on to your divine nature, trust yourself, and let it be amazing!

The Four Dimensions of Sacred Geometry in Tarot

Ethan Indigo Smith

“Geometry focuses on understanding the tangible. Meditation focuses on understanding the intangible. The benefits of understanding the outside world are stupendous, and the benefits of understanding the inside world are limitless.”

Think Carefully before Acting

Donna Taylor

One word best sums up the current energies: “tense.” Eight planets in fixed signs, including Mercury retrograde, doesn’t leave much room for flexibility and tolerance. Fixed signs have a tendency to be blinkered and rigid in beliefs and actions.


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