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A Turning Point in Human Evolution

Lynn Buess

Recent events have raised some major questions about the virus covering the globe. This might be a good time to ask: Who has rights to the vaccine and could reap billions of dollars from it? Who is in charge of this planet, and what is going on?

Communicate with Love

Donna Taylor

If there’s one thing we could all use a little more of, it’s love. We seem to have forgotten that it’s love, not money, that makes the world go round, so Venus turning retrograde could be a timely reminder that we are out of step with her loving vibes.

Find the Balance

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

May Day energies for 2020 call for discovering the individual and collective balance between head and heart, mind and emotions, and knowledge and wisdom.

Your Mastery Is Tested

Michelle Karén

Pluto remains retrograde until October 3, and its shadow period lasts until January 26, 2021.

A Milestone in Evolution

Lynn Buess

This year is a milestone in the evolution of humanity, and it can be challenging to accurately read the signs of evolution taking place. As many forces act, interact, and react on the planetary stage, it is unclear who is doing what, for whom, and why.

The Dynamic Numerology of 2020: How Do You Want to Ride It?

Ken Robinson

The universe is pouring energy our way like a mighty river. This subtle energy that affects our chakras and can only be perceived with our psychic senses is amping up and growing daily. Prepare to ride the rapids!

Discomfort Signals a Need for Change

Donna Taylor

There is a powerful, galvanizing force behind April’s planetary configurations. The Sun journeys through the sign of Aries, Saturn joins the powerhouse Mars in Aquarius, Uranus squares Saturn and Mars, and Jupiter and Pluto square the Sun. And this is just in the first week!

Your Soul-Heart Journey Progress

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

April 2020 is an ideal time for bringing new ideas, plans, and desires into the physical 3D expression through the portals opened by heart-oriented desire.

See What You Want as Already Happened

Michelle Karén

Pluto turns retrograde on Saturday, April 25 at 11:54am>, and it will remain so until October 3. Its shadow period lasts until January 26, 2021.

Empower Your Life in the Year of the Rat

Various Beings
Rae Chandran

Rae: In today’s message, we will talk about unknown energies in Chinese zodiac astrology. Master Buddha said that everything contains known and unknown energy. Please keep an open mind as you read this new perspective.


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