This is the time for a new foundation of society built on truth and heart-centeredness. In business, heart-centered small companies continue to grow and flourish and lead the trend of the future. We will see more of this develop in 2020.
The energies for October open with powerful transformation facilitating the use of focused emotional energies to dream the soul’s desires awake, individually and collectively. Clarity is possible with heart-centered guidance going with the flow between the past and future.
Life has never been more complicated than it is now. Whether it’s our busy lives without space to just be or our reliance on ever increasingly complex forms of technology, we can safely say that simplicity has gone out the window. But what happens when life becomes too complicated?
The energies for September 2019 are about bringing forth the 5D, spiritual beliefs, emotions, feelings, nurturance, unconditional love, and heart energies into the daily life as a way of being and living.
The set of insights known as the Major Arcana of the tarot is really a didactic tool to explain the two informational processing realms in metaphysics called the nonlinear and sequential systems.
The headlines this month will both raise and lower the emotional heartbeat of the masses, as both the sordid and the sublime seep closer to the surface of the human consciousness.
The month begins with the remnants of a new moon in Leo (August 1), making the very beginning of August a good time to begin new ventures or to plant seeds for a fresh start.