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Connect to the Soul Heart for Clear Visions

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Astrological configurations for the whole month of August 2015 focus on getting to the heart of the truth in all matters.

A Just Turning Point

Michelle Karén

How to Read and Use the Following Calendar: This is not the usual Sun sign–based calendar.

Emotional Depth and Honesty

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The energies for July 2019 call for emotional depth, honesty, and integrity. During this time, new ways of expressing and communicating feelings and emotions will be necessary.

Chaos and Conflict Continue

Lynn Buess

This is the time for defining the conflict between human egos, nations, and philosophies. It is the time to further implement selfless cooperation among governments, religions, science, and humanity.

Two Eclipses Bring Endings and Beginnings

Donna Taylor

July is likely to be an eventful month, as we have two eclipses, Mercury retrograde, and some rather dynamic and potentially tricky planetary alignments. Let’s start with the solar eclipse on July 2.

Appreciate Yourself and Others

Michelle Karén

How to Read and Use the Following Calendar: This is not the usual Sun sign–based calendar.

Distractions and Awakenings

Lynn Buess

On the external level, this is a volatile and emotional time both here and abroad. Split-and-divide global manipulation is in a very active period. Mass consciousness is more disturbed and confused than at any time in history.

Refine Your Communications

Donna Taylor

How much of the world’s problems could be solved or eased by better communication? How much conflict in our lives could be soothed by better listening and speaking from the heart? It’s fair to say that many people are not that great at communicating.

It’s Time to Sort Things Out

Donna Taylor

“Possessions, outward success, publicity, luxury — to me these have always been contemptible. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best for both the body and the mind” (Albert Einstein).

Restructure Your Life to Adjust to the Coming

Michelle Karén

There are two eclipses this month. Eclipses always mark major evolutionary steps beyond which life will never be the same. The collective influence of these eclipses is determined by the signs they fall in.


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