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Remain Positive about Current Events

Gaia and Theo
Tom T. Moore

Here are some predictions given to me by Gaia and my guardian angel, Theo, as a follow-up to those in the January issue of the Sedona Journal of Emergence. These questions were sent to me from all over the world and are on a wide variety of subjects.

Break Free

Donna Taylor

We live in a world in which our freedoms are gradually eroding not only obviously through increasing laws and restrictions but also through surreptitious efforts that strip away our rights to be ourselves.

There Is None More Deserving<

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

September’s Star of David energies require balance and harmony between emotional expression and the 3D world surrounding all living beings. There will be powerful responses from Earth, elementals, and devas to emotional expressions, whether love or fear.

Mind Your Thoughts and Speech

Michelle Karén

Saturn turns direct on September 6 at 2º33’ Capricorn. Its shadow period lasts until December 13, 2018.

Prepare for Breakthroughs or Breakdowns

Lynn Buess

This is a critical month for the United States and the planet as to humanity’s relationship to truth and the willingness to detach from the illusion of duality and the third-dimensional matrix.

Plan a Contemplative Respite

Donna Taylor

After the intensity of previous months, May comes along like a soft, gentle breeze to nudge us back into believing that life is worth continuing.

New Ideas Renew Your Beliefs

Michelle Karén

Mercury turns direct on May 3 at 24º17’ Aries. Its shadow period remains until May 21. The Sabian symbols describe this degree as “a double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings.” Right now, nothing is as it seems. The pace is accelerating.

Gather with Your People

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The energies for May 2017 will be fiery and full of passion with Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Aries for the first half of May and with Venus coming in during the last part to liven things up even more.

Upheaval Prompts Self-Reflection

Lynn Buess

The change of government in Japan will have repercussions in many nations. Sex scandals beyond the usual politician-and-mistress kind will continue to unfold as public reaction grows in revulsion at how deeply embedded they are in global and national institutions and governments.

Get Real about What You Want

Donna Taylor

Our lives can sometimes seem like Groundhog Day when we’re stuck in repetitive patterns and going nowhere. We wake up at the same time, eat the same thing for breakfast, travel the same route to work, do the same job, and go home and watch the same programs on TV.


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