In the tarot, the archetypes of the Hanged Man and the Magician represent two ways of knowing and learning. They represent two different spiritual curriculum systems, two different epistemologies, and two different viewpoints about the essential foundations of the cosmos.
Energies for the coming months and well into 2018 have tremendous portals, opportunities, and wisdom for those willing to let go of ideas, beliefs, expectations, and limitations previously accepted as truth.
Understanding astrological transits and cycles empowers us to see the energies that are coming and allows us to use planetary potentials to their maximum. Jupiter is a wonderful planet to track when looking at the span of a year because its cycles through each sign are around twelve months.
Witchi tai to, gimee rah Hoe rah neeko, hoe rah neeko Hey ney, hey ney, no way Water Spirit feelin’ springin’ round my head Makes me feel glad that I’m not dead
— Jim Pepper, “Witchi Tai To,” 1969
Mercury will turn retrograde the morning of December 2, when there will be twenty-two more shopping days until Christmas. The planet will be in the shadow of retrograde several days before that.
Timing is everything, as the old saying goes. During the 1980s and 1990s, the end of the past century, we assumed that the year 2000 would signal the change into the new Age of Aquarius. This was based on the long-held traditional idea that astrological ages are 2,000 years long.
This is the last month of a three-month (September, October, and November) cycle of ominous potential that can be destructive and explosive, resulting in a massive expansion of human awareness. The energy of this time suggests there will likely be another world-changing event.
We live in a time when it’s all too easy to overextend ourselves. Some of us overextend emotionally by giving too much, and others overextend financially by taking on too much debt. Some people overextend their physical energy, perhaps by exercising too hard or not getting enough sleep.
This moment is bursting with the potential to release new inventions, innovations, streams of consciousness, and higher-dimensional archetypes that are being activated by the heightened systemic, galactic, and cosmic forces stimulating the planet at this time.