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Cross Emotional Bridges in New Ways

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

April 2024 opens with a stellium of major influential planets in Pisces: Venus and Neptune conjunct in late Pisces with Saturn and Mars filling in during the beginning degrees of Pisces.

Visualize What You Wish to Manifest

Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, April is a 5 month. This is your year of beginnings and manifestations, and April kicks it up a notch. This is your expansive month, which is filled with freedom and possibilities. Expect both planned and unexpected surprises.

Thrive with Clarity of Vision

Kira Raa

The trinity of manifest energy, divine energy, and the lotus chakra opens the channels of potentiality in this form to be remembered. What if, even for a moment, you gifted yourself with the permission to accept, beyond any sense of doubt, the eternal nature of all you are?

Endings and Beginnings

Donna Taylor

During March 2024, every planet is contained in a small sector of the zodiac: the last two signs and the first two signs. We begin with Pluto, Mars, and Venus in Aquarius; Saturn, the Sun, and Neptune in Pisces; Mercury and Chiron in Aries; and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

A Bolt Out of the Blue

Cal Garrison

The human heart is directly connected to the orbit of the Sun and the movements of the stars. We live, breathe, and mark time inside this huge celestial clock.

You Are the Commander of Your Life

Kira Raa

Welcome to the unified field of potentiality. Free from the field of limitation, humanity is ready to rise into the alchemical state of conscious awareness as masters in formed awareness. Imagine that you were born for this moment.

Set Yourself Up for Success

Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, March is a 4 month. This is your month to set your foundation for the rest of the year. Implement structures to help you bring into the physical world the things on your manifestation list. It is a month of resets.

Focus Your Thoughts to Create What You Seek

Michelle Karén

For the second month in a row, no planets are retrograde, which is beyond rare. A lunar eclipse occurs in Libra (5°07') on Monday, March 25 at 12:00am that will be followed by a solar eclipse in Aries (19°24') on Monday, April 8 at 11:21am.

Bubbles of Hopes and Dreams

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Much of the focus of March is on attaining and maintaining an energetic balance between head/mind and heart/emotions. Balanced reciprocity within the self is necessary to attain balanced reciprocity with everything and everyone in the rest of the world.

Breakthroughs First Require Breakdowns

Donna Taylor

The message for us in February is to expect the unexpected, as it will be difficult to maintain the status quo in any area of life crying out for change.


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