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Suspended between Creation and Destruction

Cal Garrison

The Sun crossed the Aquarius cusp on January 20 this year and will remain in that sign until February 20. At the moment, there is more going on in the sky than any of us can shake a stick at.

Channel Energy into Positive Endeavors

Michelle Karén

The Moon will be void of course (v/c), forming no major aspect with any planet, before entering the following signs:

Follow Your Inner Truth

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

February opens with a grand square between the cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — signaling a time of balancing the head with the heart, the masculine with the feminine, and the dark with the light (all those polar opposites) within the self and in the outer world.

Energy Gains Momentum in the First Part of 2024

Elizabeth Joyce

People have been changing their direction of thought since Saturn went direct in Pisces on November 4, 2023, bringing us a new energy for 2024. What a wonderful period of time we have coming with the Saturn-in-Pisces transit from 2023 through 2026

Think Outside the Box

Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, February is a 3 month. This is a year for manifestations and for creating your future. What kind of life do you want to build for yourself? Every month, with its change in number, brings new energy to your manifestations.

Put Everything in Motion

Kira Raa

The power of the 17 is rising, a constant smiling reminder that whenever 1 and 7 come together, you come home to your infinite divine mastery presence.

Pluto’s Big Shift: There’s No Going Back

Donna Taylor

January 2024 begins with Pluto poised to leave Capricorn, which is big news given that Pluto has spent the past sixteen years traversing the sign of the mountain goat.

Embrace the True Self

Michelle Karén

Mercury turns direct on Monday, January 1, 2024, at 22°33' Sagittarius. Its shadow period lasts until January 21, 2024.

Old Paradigms Are No More

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

January 2024 begins with Mercury retrograde in late Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center, signaling a time of solemn messages and harsh truths spoken from Tiamat about the human kingdom’s strides toward balanced reciprocity with her, each other, and the cosmos.

Emerge into Your Greatest Life

Kira Raa

Commanding the gifts of alchemical transformation, the remembrance that magic is most certainly real embraces your heart with peace, love, and joy. Welcome to the moment that every being in formed awareness took birth to embody. This extraordinary January experience first birthed in 2022.


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