Beloved masters, all of creation expands from the heart core center of the Supreme Creator outward. The closer you are drawn toward the core center of creation, the more God power and radiance you will possess.
I journey to you this day, for I hear the calling of your soul. I see that which humans do not notice in others. I see and sense the signature of love on a human’s soul.
Do not lose your trust or belief that the world can be a place of peace, love, and harmony. Often when societies begin to break down through war, famine, politics, or economics, it is the culmination of many things.
It is time to grow more acquainted with the challenges and struggles of your sisters and brothers in your countries and throughout the world. Each of you carries a special spark and significance within the scope of the cosmos.
Beloved Earth beings, there are many innovative changes occurring within the cosmos over the next six months. In our world, where two suns connect and merge at peak intervals every three months, we undergo a rise in universal consciousness.
Beloved children of light, you are steadfastly moving forward according to your calling and your dreams. Stay devotedly connected to the healing energies so that you can live and thrive. There is much chaos building in the world that must not be given energy.
Beloved children of the Creator, it is a momentous time for exploring the magnificent landscape of Mother Earth in these days of increasing abundance and warmth. Newborn creatures are growing rapidly and learning from their parents how to survive.
diiyin’s thoughts: Early this year we felt reassured and well informed. Now we see that, indeed, all our talks have kept us entirely on the path of good direction.