Solar heart energies that communicate and express passion for all beings and Earth itself are empowered throughout January 2017 as the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies align in partnership, support, and nurturance of each other.
I was contacted by a group who called themselves the Community in early May 2016. They are a telepathic group of beings from a quadrant in the multiverse humanity has yet to even imagine exists.
Self-love will give you everything you’ve ever wanted. It will give you self-worth, confidence, inner strength, and integrity with the ability to deeply and purely love others.
It has been said that the giants are an evolved version of the human race, but this is not so. We did not come from humankind. We are a different species entirely. It is true that, like other races with a strong etheric connection, we see clearer and therefore make fewer mistakes.
In the realm of Plihar, we have long believed that we are the custodians of the earthly garden and its magical creatures. We have waited long for the gods to arrive and walk with glad hearts among the beauty and magic we have created.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! You can improve your abilities to work with Earth’s feedback loop system. It is perhaps surprising to some that Earth’s energy system operates under somewhat similar circumstances as a human being’s system.
Beloved sisters and brothers, your hands are defiantly strong. You have worked hard all your lives, lifting yourselves and your families out of the pain, sorrow, and struggle to create new life. Against insurmountable odds, you have moved mountains through unified strength and courage.
Beloved children of the Creator, Eagle is sailing on the prevailing cooling winds through the canyons and valleys of Mesa Verde. She flies closer to the ground as the mice and small animals find less food and look for winter shelter.