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You Can Heal the World

Virginia Ellen

You are more important than you think you are. You are God incarnate, God in physical form. It is critical at this time for all to ascend into the truth of their divinities.

God Is Growing and You Are the Gardeners

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from home, dear ones. This room is full of love. The energies that you have brought around you are transmitted to every being around you when you smile, gaze at another person, or simply reach into another's energy field.

Crystalline Impeccability: Dancing with Stars

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, beloved. I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet you one and all, respectfully and knowingly. I greet each of you, individually within the exact moment in which you read these living words in the vibratory essence of the eternal now. I embrace you in love.

Your Balance Is Mother Earth's Balance

Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling

We are talking about Mother Earth today. We call the Earth "mother" because she derives her journey from the X chromosome. Earth is a third-dimensional aspect because that is what the Creator's love and light wanted it to be.

Elements are Becoming God Particles

Council of Indigenous Tribes
Carol Sydney

Greetings, children of light. Once again we have the pleasure of speaking with you. It is to your advantage that you prepare for the coming changes in thought, form, understanding and light.

Experiencing the Cosmic Whole

The Beings Andromeda

Beloved, we greet you today in your abundance of love and peace. May grace enter your being as we visit this day together with you in your Earth plane. You have been sensing a gradual shift occurring on your planet Earth.

Every Chance You Get, Give Others the Opportunity to Shine

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from home, dear ones. There is a word that was used in this room today that has echoed and reverberated very strongly throughout every one of you each time you heard it. The word is "empowerment." It is basically the energy all humans are stepping into right now.

Shine the Light of God

Archangel Michael
Mercedes Kirkel

Hello beloved, I bring you my greetings and my blessings. I am Archangel Michael. I am here with you tonight because I am so moved by what is happening with all of you and so many beings at this time. As you have heard, as has been told to you by so many, this is an amazing time.

The Polarity Reversal Affecting Men

Robert Shapiro

All right, this is Grandfather. Now, there is an issue going on that especially affects all men. This is something that affects the male of the human species.

Activation of God Particles and the Expansion of Human Consciousness

The Omni Oneness
Judith K. Moore

The power of One is manifest in a new dimension of consciousness on Earth. Cosmic frequencies are opening subdimensional fields of vibration that are powerfully affecting our understanding of relativity. Consciousness has accelerated, shifting the nature of mass and matter.


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