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Align to Divine Energy

Master Kuthumi
Lynette Leckie-Clark

My greetings to you as I enter your energy fields once more through my words and my essence. In this meeting between us, I ask you to pause, simply feel, and ask yourself where your thoughts and feelings are.

You Have Put the Power of Love Into Practice

Archangel Michael
Lois Noonan

We are with you, dear ones, because we are all from the same Source. For eons of what you call "time," we have been choosing different experiences. It is wondrous to be able to talk to you about this now. Nothing is hidden unless you refuse to look.

A Magical Universe

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. We speak to you on the matter of physical needs. We will first offer reminders of how to create.

The Earth's Struggle Between Fate and Destiny

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

I greet you this month in a flow of matchless blessings as you press forward with your dedication to planetary evolution. How amazing are the times you encounter!

The Process of Ascension

Archangel Michael

First of all, beloved masters, we wish to clarify what ascension is not. At your present state of evolution, ascension of the physical body will only be possible for a few very advanced avatars who have opened the path for humanity's ascension into the next level of higher consciousness.

What 2011 Is All About: The Year of Compassion

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It's a core group here and there are many old souls. Not all that sit in the seats are old souls, but most are.

Spirtual Growth, Physical Change

Cathy Chapman

Dear ones, I am Amma, the divine mother of the divine mothers. I am your mother. You grew in my womb before you began your soul journey. I have been with you as you have planned your various lifetimes. I've watched as you have worked with your various councils and soul groups.

See Into Your New World

The Beloved
Kenton David Bell

Welcome. Welcome here to our experience of each other in this space that we create through our intent to share and your intent to receive. We are grateful for this interaction. Grateful is a word that most closely describes the vibrational feeling that we are experiencing on this side.

Facets of the Ascension Process

Three Johns
Nansea Lee

The planet Pluto remains in the sign of Capricorn through 2024. As we have mentioned before, planets hold specific essences and carry certain themes. Pluto represents transformation, power and integrity, and it tests our beliefs, patterns, and paradigms.

Midnight in the Garden

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, beloveds. I am Metatron, lord of light. I greet you all in unconditional love. Masters, your lives are magnificent journeys of ever-continuing exploration. Certain lifetimes are more strategically aligned for quantum leaps. You are in such an alignment in the present.


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