It has been a challenging time for many, with much acceleration of energies and many changes. Not only have you been able to observe changes going on all around you, but you may have also noticed many changes occurring inside of you.
Greetings! It is our pleasure to be here with you on this day and to speak with you about the resolution of the conflict that you feel within your world, that you feel within your relationships, and that you at times feel within yourself.
Many of you around the world have been alarmed, upset, and really touched in your hearts by the plight of the people of Japan with their recent tragedies and shocking circumstances.
Let us talk about Mother Earth, one of the younger evolutionary planets. When I speak of a mirror effect, I mean that you and Mother Earth reflect each other. To put this mirror effect into perspective, I will lay out the similarities between you and Mother Earth.
Greetings, dear readers, from the Brotherhood of Light. We gather to reach you and teach you today, whatever day your "today" may be. Amazing how fast time is flying by, isn't it?
Well now, my dears, let's have a little talk about what's really going on, what you can expect, and the erroneous beliefs about this current time called the great change.
My friend and I disagree on the subject of conspiracies, secret government plots, covert organizations, and more. My friend attributes almost everything that affects the planet or humanity adversely to something sinister, both on and off planet, that is designed to control us.
Beloved masters, there is a light epidemic whereby every person on Earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God light. However, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of light that their physical vessels can accommodate.
Throughout the arc of history, throughout what you have defined as time, throughout what is beyond that—and beyond that—there has existed a pause within this creation.